Delivery Options

B&B Fuel is pleased to offer two options for your oil deliveries;

Automatic  Delivery

Our automatic delivery program is available for customers who do not want to worry about checking their gauges or running out of oil.

We deliver monthly during the winter months to keep your total bills lower.

We top the tank off each time, which is better for your tank than letting it run low.

We always notify you the day before (via phone or email) that you are scheduled for a delivery and what the current price is.

There are no contracts to sign and no “locked in” prices. You may opt out of automatic delivery at any time.

“On-Call” Delivery

With this option you monitor your oil and call whenever you would like a delivery.

The price is the same as automatic delivery (posted daily on our website).

*With both delivery options we require payment at time of delivery.

We accept cash, check/money order, Visa, Mastercard, or Discover.*